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Wednesday 13th January


LO – find and compare temperatures in different countries.


Have a look at this video to find out how we measure temperature I would like you to have a look at the temperature in different countries in different places using you can search for the temperature of a place in the world! 


Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)


*I can say which countries are hot and which are cold.

**I can use BBC weather to find the temperate in Cardiff and Sydney.

***I can find the temperature in another city in the world.


LO - use a variety of questions, e.g who, what, why, when and how.


Task - Often letters open with questions for greeting someone. Think of your own greeting questions to open your letter with.


Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)


* I can think of my own greeting questions and tell them to another person.

** I can think of my own greeting questions, tell them to another person and have a go at writing them.

*** I can think of my own greeting questions and write them down.


LO – identify natural and man-made materials.


A material is what something is made from. You may know things that are made from wood or cotton or plastic or glass. Some materials are natural - they are found around us and may be dig up from the ground or grown. Man made materials are made when people change a natural material into something else - just like people turn wood into paper! Have a look around your house for natural and man made materials.


Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)


*I can name some materials.

**I can find objects made from natural and man made materials.

***I can sort objects into natural and man-made.
