LO- use words to describe temperature.
Task - sort the different cold and hot objects by their temperature. Are they hot or cold? Boiling or freezing or somewhere in between? Cut and stick the pictures in the right place.
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
* I can sort objects into hot or cold.
** I can order objects from freezing to boiling.
*** I can think of my own words to add to the cold to hot scale.
LO - understand the features of letter writing.
Task - Cut and stick the features of a letter to the correct place.
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
* I can use features of letter writing such as address, dear, main text and from.
** I can use features of letter writing such as address, dear, greeting question, main text and from.
*** I can use features of letter writing such as address, dear, greeting question, main text and, closing sentence and from.
LO – find new information using the internet.
Use to find new information. Remember to click images if you want to find information from pictures instead of reading words.
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
*I can use kiddle to find a picture of the Australian flag / Australian landmarks / Australian animals.
**I can use kiddle to find new facts about Australia.
***I can find information to complete a fact file on Australia