Here at Gladstone, the team in our kitchen is Mrs Davies our Cook and Mrs Blake our Assistant Cook who both work hard to provide healthy, balanced and appetising meals for our children.
Halal food is not served at Gladstone however, we do offer a daily vegetarian option for our Muslim pupils.
Some specialist diets can also be catered for ie dairy free but must be arranged in advance with School Catering via your child's dietician. Unfortunately, our kitchen is not able to cater for nut free diets.
Meals are ordered through the Parentpay App which shows you the choices available. If you need help to set this up please come to the school office and we will be able to help you.
Meals cost £13.75 for a full week:-
1 day - £2.75
2 days - £5.50
3 days - £8.25
4 days - £11.00
5 days - £13.75
Free School Meals
Parents in receipt of Universal Tax Credit, Income Support or Income based Jobseekers Allowance or Income Related Employment & Support Allowance, Guarantee element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (with annual income of less than £16,190) may be eligible for free school meals. Please see below for an application form.