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Monday 25th January

Literacy - 25.1.21


LO – listen and record information.


What are instructions? Instructions tell someone what to do and how to do it. It could be how to make a lego car or how to ride a bike or it could be part of a recipe.


Have a look at this recipe, it will tell you how to make crepes!


Can you make a list (of ingredients and/or equipment) after watching video?

Remember lists are words that go down the page and often have a bullet point like this…

• Butter

• Milk

• Sugar


You could use note, drawings or take a photo of your list on seesaw.


*I can write or draw a list of some things I will need to make crepes.

**I can write a list of ingredients and a list of equipment.

***I can write the amount I need of each ingredient.

Maths - 25.1.21


LO - subtract by breaking apart.


Follow the instructions from this video to help you answer */** if you would like a challenge try the problem-solving questions for ***


OR you could practice the skill in a practical way like Miss Glass shows you on her seesaw video.

Topic 25.1.21

LO - Paint a flag.


This week, we are going to be using Just2easy to complete our topic tasks. For the first task, you need to research what the French flag looks like by using Kiddle and then use 'paint' on Just2easy to draw the French flag. Follow the instructions attached to help you find Just2easy on Hwb.


Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)


* I can paint the French flag.

** I can save my work.

*** I can add a name and date on my work before saving it.
