LO – Find the missing part.
Follow the instructions from this video to help you answer */** if you would like a challenge try the problem solving questions for ***
LO – use adjectives (describing words).
In the story all of the fruit has words before it to describe what the fruit is like, e.g. soft, yellow banana.
These are called adjectives. We are going to explore how adjective are used and think of lots of exciting ways to describe objects.
Learn more about adjectives here...
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
*I can match adjectives with fruit using the words from the story.
**I can add adjectives to fruit.
***I can describe the animals from the story using my own adjectives.
SURPRISE! What surprises have people organised for you? Can you think of a nice surprise that you could arrange for somebody else?
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
* I can say when I felt really surprised.
** I can think of a nice surprise that I could give someone else.