Please can the children read at home every day as part of their homework. Please can you ask them questions about what they have read and record a comment in their reading record book ('Monkey Book'). I have attached a sheet with ideas for questions after reading. Before the book is changed the children will be asked to complete an activity in their Reading Journal in school, this will allow us to check they have understood the story.
Times Tables Rockstars is our maths homework and we ask the children to practice every day. The children know their logins as we use it regularly in school but any problems please ask.
Do All Roads Lead to Rome?
This term we are learning about the Romans and for homework I am asking the children to create a project book. The children have been given the chapter headings and have two weeks to complete each section. They can present their ideas in any way they like - written forms, art, models (which they will need take photos of for their project book), photographs, infographics - however they choose to do it. They may want to record in different ways for cetain chapters so perhaps photographs and a news report or artwork and a poem. It is their project to 'showcase' what they have done.
Please can the project book come in every Thursday so the children can share what they have been doing with the class and we will send it home again on Friday.