LO – use words to describe temperature.
Task - look around your house to find places or objects that are hot or cold. BE CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH THINGS THAT ARE TOO HOT! Can you think of other words to describe their temperature?
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
*I can say if something is hot or cold.
**I can use a range of words to describe temperature.
***I can compare the temperature and say if it is cooler / warmer.
LO- I can recall details from information texts.
This morning, we received an exciting letter from a boy called Henry who lives all the way in Australia! Task - read the letter from Henry and answer the comprehension questions.
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
* I can listen to the letter and answer questions.
1. Who is the letter from?
2. Where do they live?
3. What is the weather like where they are?
4. What did they do on Christmas day?
** I can read with some support and answer questions.
1. Who is the letter from?
2. Where in Australia do they live?
3. What was the temperature on the day they went swimming?
4. What did they eat for their Christmas dinner?
*** I can read independently and answer questions.
1. Who is the letter from and where do they live?
2. Why did they have to wear a sun hat and sun cream?
3. Why did they spend their Christmas day at the beach?
4. How was your Christmas day different to his?
LO – explore googlemaps.
We are finding out more about the country of AUSTRALIA this week. Your first topic task is to explore where Australia is. Use googlemaps or an atlas or map to find out more.
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
*I can find Australia on a map.
**I can find out the names of different towns/cities in Australia.
***I can find out what oceans/seas are around Australia.