Welcome to our Rights Respecting Group web page. Here you can learn all about the work of our Representatives and what they have achieved.
Who are the Rights Respecting Group?
They are representatives from Years 3-6 who were voted in by their class mates after class elections. The Rights Respecting Group consider how to make positive changes to school life and ensure each child in school is treated fairly and their voice is heard.
We also make sure that the whole of our school community know about Children's Rights.
When do we meet?
Friday's during lunctime.
Boys and girls from Years 3-6, we have elected Poppy as our Chair Person and Zinab is our Secretary.
To listen to the childrens' voice within the school and help to bring about changes in school. We have helped to develop our 'School Behaviour Policy' by considering rewards and consequences suitable for our school and we discuss any ongoing issues. We have successfully established a school newsletter which we frequently update in order to keep parents and friends up to date with class topics and progress.
We have also decided to hold a Charity Fundraiser in school- our chosen charities are: Macmillan and Pakistan Flood Appeal.
In the Year 4 classroom.
Mrs Weston and Miss White. We have raised money for school resources and we have supported charities by raising funds for them. We thought of ways to help to raise money and we asked the whole school for their help. Thank you all for your creativity our fundraisers are always HUGE success and we have supported many charities including, City Hospice, Macmillan, Australian Bush Fire Support, Children in Need and Comic Relief.
This year we achieved UNICEF Children's Rights Silver Award. This award means we are now a Rights Aware school. Achieving Silver means that there is evidence that our school is explicitly embedding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in its policy, practice and culture.
A group of children were interviewed by our assessor on assessment day and spoke freely about their knowledge of Children's Rights. They did us proud and we are now continuing the journey to aim towards gold!