Welcome to the Year 6 2022 class page!
Year 6 Staff Team
Class Teacher - Miss S Watson
Email - WatsonS7@hwbcymru.net
Teaching Assistant - Miss L Brailey
This link may help with the new languages you will be learning at High School.
Just in from Cathays High School
Hi Year 6
I hope you are all safe and well and look forward to seeing some of you back in school soon.
I have added the activity grid, this goes to Friday 26th June 2020. There are different maths and LLC, some lovely art, lots of transition activities.
I will add a new one for the next week so week starting 29th June 2020.
Take care all, keep in touch
Summer Term 2 2020
Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed half term and that every one is safe and well.
Here is the grid for this week, don't forget if this is a little tricky or you are unsure what to do you can email me WatsonS7@hwbcymru.net or have a look at Bitesize there are lots of fabulous lessons on there.
Summer Term 2020
Helo bawb, sut ydych chi?
Hi everyone, hope you are well. As we start a new term I will be posting activities on our page. If you are unsure just drop me an email WatsonS7@hwbcymru.net. If you are finding it hard still to get onto our classroom area again email me. You have your own email if you go into Hwb - Office365 - Outlook then click the 'new message' box add my email in the 'to' box, write me your message and then send and I can then email you back.
Don't worry if you are having trouble the same work is on the website and lots of different links for you to explore.
In the classroom I have asked the class on the stream if they have anything they would like as a topic, hopefully today we can decide so if you have any ideas, again email them to me.
Don't forget to Seesaw your work
Take care all
Helo bawb!
Then last grid for Summer 1. It does refer to some reading that is in the classroom area. I know now that most of you can get in there.
Just choose some things off the grid that interest you. You may be in the middle of reading a book at home so don't fancy the reading activities.
Most important thing is to keep healthy, what have you been doing to keep healthy? Let me know you can put photos and clips into Seesaw.
Hi everyone, I hope you have enjoyed half term and that you and all your families are safe and well. All the activities are here as well as in our classroom. If you need help with anything please email me to let me know - WatsonS7@hwbcymru.net.
Take care all
Week 1
Monday 20th April 2020
White Rose Maths are your maths lessons for the week. Please only do lesson one so I can see how people are getting on, don't forget to put your work on Seesaw.
LLC creative writing
Art - we started tonal art last term. If you didn't do the first lesson do that before you do lesson 2.
Hi everyone, here we go with home learning - I will keep adding different activities/resources. Please don't worry if they are too difficult or too easy I will try and add something for everyone always think of you and what you need to improve or to practice - 'be the best you can be'
Week 2 maths - fractions
The grid still needs activities completing but I am adding more work to ensure the children don't miss out on opportunities. Please Seesaw work when it is finished - password in Home Learning pack, thank you.
Year 6 is such an important year for the children of Gladstone, as it is their last year in primary school before moving on to their chosen High Schools. We are aiming to prepare the children to become independent learners and develop their confidence, in the wide range of abilities that they have. We want them to take this confidence with them into the new challenges and exciting opportunities that High School offers.
Tables and 'Learn Its' also need daily practice and the children are tested on a weekly basis to check progress.
PE will take place every Wednesday and Friday. All children will need to bring in suitable clothing and appropriate footwear for indoor and outdoor PE. A separate P.E. kit is required, this includes footwear for health and hygiene reasons.
All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
I'm very much looking forward to working with the children this year!
Miss Watson