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Tuesday 2nd February

Story for today - The Huge Bag of Worries

Today's wellbeing workout - 5 Minute Move



LO – express an opinion on what worry means to you.


What’s worrying you? Worry is a big feeling that all of us will have sometimes. Talk to someone at home about what worry is and what you can do if you feel worried.



*I can say something that makes me feel worried. “I feel worried when…”

**I can say what I can do when I feel worried. “When I feel worried I think it would help to…”

***I can say what it feels like when I get worried. “I think worry feels like…”



LO - measure weight.


Just like in todays story of The Huge Bag of Worries, worries can get really heavy. Thinking about this in maths, we are going to measure weight today. Use two bags to help you compare the weights of different objects you can find around your home.


*I can say if something is heavy or light.

**I can compare and order objects by weight.

***I can use weighing scale to weigh objects. (estimate before weighing)



LO – begin to express the feeling of worry.


Make a worry monster using junk modelling materials around the house.


*I can make a junk model worry monster.

**I can my write or draw my worries for the worry monster to eat!

