LO - Know that parts of a number make up a whole.
Follow the instructions from this video to help you answer */** if you would like a challenge try the problem solving questions for ***
LO – Recall information from a story.
Handa’s Surprise…
This is a lovely story many of you may know already. Listen to the story carefully so you can answer the questions.
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
*I can listen to the story and answer one-word questions.
**I can listen to the story and answer a range of questions.
***I can listen to the story and answer more challenging questions.
LO- Explore relationships between living things, their habitats and their life cycles.
To start our week of learning about Kenya, we are going to learn about the animals that live in Africa! Using Kiddle, research an African animal of your choice and tell us the facts you find out!
Choose ONE task that you want to complete (*easy **medium ***challenge)
*I can find out facts about one African animal.
**I can find out where they live, what they eat, what they look like.
***I can organise my writing under subheadings.