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Wednesday 3rd February


As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we are looking at the importance of being happy. 

Today, the title of our writing is 'How are we going to make someone smile?'


After you have written about your ideas using the template on Seesaw, I would like you to record a video explaining your choices.

Remember you can create videos on Seesaw - I'm looking forward to seeing your work. 


Yesterday, we learned to recognise coins, discuss how much they are worth and add up amounts using lots of different types of coins. 

Today we are going to find out how many ways in which we can make a total amount.

Remember all the different types of coins that we can use - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. 


I have sent your challenge to your seesaw account. Good luck! 

Topic - Towers and Tunnels

Yesterday, we looked at castles around the world and used maps to locate different countries in the United Kingdom and Europe.

Today, we are going to find out more about the castles in the United Kingdom.  

Use the weblinks to read about each castle and record one fact about each one.  Use the template that I have sent you on Seesaw.  

Whole School Assembly

Wake Up! - Makaton Signing with Singing Hands and Out of the Ark Music

Give A Little Smile - Makaton Signing with Singing Hands and Out of the Ark Music
