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Reading Books



It is so important that all children read as often as possible. In school children have daily opportunities to read, we would love this to happen at home too. Research shows that the most successful learners are pupils supportive families and also children who read for pleasure. All kinds of reading is valid; stories, comics, information books, leaflets, anything that interests your child. We will send reading books home at least weekly along with a book your child will have chosen themselves from our library corner. Books will be sent home on Fridays and should be returned Thursdays (along with completed homework), this allows opportunity to practice reading book and words daily at home and to share the library book. 


Make sure you spend time talking about what you have read and asking plenty of questions to sure your child is understanding what they have read. There are some suggestions below, just pick a few each time you read; are there question words your child isn't sure of - who, when, where, why?


Before reading...

What is the title/name of the book?

What do you think the book will be about? etc

What made you choose this book?

Who do you think the main character will be? 

Where do you think the story is set? 


During reading...

What happened on that page?

What do you think will happen next?

Why did that happen?

Why did ......... do that?

Do you think that was a good thing to do?

What would you do if that happened to you? etc


After reading...

Who was in the story?

What was the story about?

What happened in the beginning / middle / end?

What did you like about the book? etc



High Frequency Words (HFW)


Please help your child learn the HFW sent home. These are words that we use all the time in our reading so learning to speedy read them will hugely improve the fluency of reading. It may only be one or two words in the set that they find tricky but only when they can read all of them with confidence will a new set be sent home. Just a few minutes every day will really help. Have a look at some fun ways you could try at home...


Tricky Words and Sight Words Song
